Students are called the word “students” for a reason. The dictionary states this word as being “any person who studies, investigates and examines thoughtfully.” The question we ask you all at Shared Vision Executives is: What makes an individual a great student? Why do we need to embody the idea of a “student mentality.” “We believe that it comes down to developing a strong mindset. A student mentality gives individuals the ability to figure yourself out and constantly learn throughout your life,” says Mike Heldman of Shared Vision Executives. Our world is constantly changing and the concept of ‘done’ doesn’t exist. In order to grow and survive, adapting, learning and growing becomes essential. There some techniques we find essential to never stop learning. Shared Vision Executives is really big about striving to learn and because of this factor, we remain on the top above our competitors. We have 3 techniques we use to never stop learning:
Always Stay Curious
“The best way to learn, is to have an urgency or curiosity to learn. When you’re interested about something, make the initiative to learn about it. Be inquisitive when learning this new things or concept,” says Shared Vision Executives. If you’re taking a class on coding, ask yourself what it’s about and what you can do to be really great at it, for example.
Studies show that individuals that read are more likely to have a broader range of idea in their mind. Their mind is somehow able to think creatively and expand on topics they learned through books. It also broadens your horizon and mindset as well, which is nice to have in today’s society.
Follow a Mentor
When you learn from someone you trust, it can help you get further. This is why many tutors and leader figures are very influential. “By putting yourself in the hands of a trusted mentor you’re letting your ideas combine and they will help you grow,” says the CEO of Shared Vision Executives, Mike Heldman.